Kathy's Writings


Kathy writes articles for library media publications, general education periodicals, ed tech journals, online e-zines, and has also authored several books. A description of the books may be found below the list of articles.




Developing Web Pages for Educators, 2d ed.  (out of print)

by Kathleen Schrock ©2003 Teacher Created Materials 

Completely re-done and updated, this new edition will take you step-by-step through the process of creating a Web page. Sections include :

Evaluating Internet Web Sites: An Educator's Guide (out of print)

by Kathleen Schrock ©1997 The Master Teacher 

This 32-page booklet provides educators with the tools needed to learn how to effectively evaluate a Web site. Once you feel comfortable with this evaluation process, it will become second nature to teach these same methods to students to educate them about information validity on the Internet. Although this title was written in 1997, the tenets of critical evaluation of Web sites has withstood the test of time!

Evaluating Internet Web Sites includes:

Writing and Research on the Computer 

by Kathy Schrock, Mary Watkins, and Jan Wahlers ©2000 Teacher Created Materials

Writing and researching reports using the computer has changed dramatically in the last few years. Access to interactive CD-ROM's, the Internet, and other pieces of software for collection and storage of data has made the process more complex for both teachers and students.

This book offers the teacher tips, tricks, and proven methods to help teach research skills. It also provides lessons for students in grades 4-8 to use when formulating the research question, conducting the research and evaluating the results. A CD-ROM is included with PDF versions of all the handouts, sample databases, and additional information.

The 96-page book includes chapters entitled:

This book is available from Amazon.com.

Technology Connection: Building a Successful Library Media Program 

compiled, edited, and introduced by Kathleen Schrock ©2000 Linworth Publications 

This 256-page book contains a compilation of the many useful articles which have appeared in the Linworth magazines, Technology Connection, Library Talk, and The Book Report within the last five years. Get important tips, tricks, and techniques, as well as breakthrough ideas, for all the roles today's library media specialist plays.

Each of the six chapters uses a house-building analogy (i.e. Drawing Plans, Gathering Tools, Sound Footings, Building the Structure, etc.) and contains up to thirty articles dealing with the changes technology has brought to library media programs. An overview at the beginning of each chapter explains the theme of the chapter and updates any URLs which may have changed from the article's original publication date.

This publication is available used from Amazon.com.

Inquiring Educators Want to Know: TeacherQuests for Today's Teachers 

by Kathy Schrock & Midge Frazel ©2000 Linworth Publishing

This book offers answers to many of the common questions that administrators, teachers, library media specialists, students, school board members, parents, and community members have in relation to technology in the schools. The questions and answers are offered in a framework called a TeacherQuest"!. There are over 80 TeacherQuests in the book.

The book is arranged to align with ISTE's Recommended Foundations in Technology for All Teachers. These standards are intended for pre-service teacher education students, but are applicable and useful for practicing teachers also. Attainment of these standards is intended to provide every educator with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively use technology to support and enhance the curriculum.

This book is meant to be used in a variety of ways. The comprehensive keyword index allows a teacher or library media specialist to easily find the concept he or she is looking for within the text of a TeacherQuest"!. The index listed by ISTE standard allows a professional development committee to focus on areas of improvement for the teachers in their district. A technology coordinator or administrator may easily find the information needed to support a program or create a grant for enhanced technology use in the classroom.

This book is available used from Amazon.com.

Kathy Schrock's Every Day of the School Year Series 

edited and introduced by Kathleen Schrock ©2002-05. Linworth Publications 

Each book includes activities, tips, reproducibles, and much more for the classroom teacher.

The titles are all available through Amazon.com