Kathy's Testimonials
After a presentation, Kathy often gets feedback from teachers who have attended her sessions, as well as kudos about her online resources. Below are a few of the latest notes Kathy has received.
A list of workshops she can offer your school, group, or association can be found on this page. Kathy will work with you to develop whatever specialized presentation you might need. Here is her upcoming calendar of sessions and workshops.
Contact her via e-mail at kathy@kathyschrock.net or her mobile phone at 508-237-6605.
District Technology Trainer
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us! We appreciate the time and energy it must have taken you to become the expert you are today. Please know that your visit with us was so much more than a great workshop; it also provided momentum to drive our iPad initiative forward.
Elementary Technology Facilitator
I just wanted to write you a quick thank you note for the years of dedicated service you have given. I can't tell you how many times I have referenced your work to other teachers and used your ideas directly with students. You are always my go-to-girl when I begin planning a new training piece and links to your websites have always been part of my bibliography. You are awesome!!
High School Library Teacher
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have been following your website since I started as a school librarian 15 years ago and once again you have come up trumps. We are issuing iPads to our Grade 9 students today, the teachers have had them for 2 weeks, and your links on Bloomin-apps are exactly what we need. You are a star!
University Librarian/Assistant Professor
Thank you! Your workshop presentation at the Texas Library Association was outstanding, by the way. Thank you for organizing such a powerful and educational presentation.
Middle School Library Media Specialist
I have used Kathy Schrock's "5W's of Web site evaluation" poster for ages because I like how simple it is for students to remember. I have lurked on her Websites here and here. And, hallelujah! I finally had the chance to learn from Kathy herself at the TXLA annual conference at a session on infographics. Some of my best take-aways had nothing to do with infographics specifically, and the ideas are so simple, they are brilliant.
High School Educational Technology Specialist
I just wanted to say that I have been using your website as an educational technology resource and it has been extremely helpful. Thank you for putting this together. I enjoy sharing the information with my colleagues.
Teacher Educator from Australia
I just wanted to say a huge thank you - I love being able to point my students to your work & highlight the importance of critical evaluation of tech, rather than tech as a panacea! We're currently reviewing technology for learning and play and so you're an amazing example to show - thanks!
K-8 Technology Teacher
I cannot thank you enough or compliment you enough for your site. It seems every time I need some useful information I can go there and find it. You make a meaningful impact!
Educational Blogger
Kathy, there is a very good reason you were mentioned in my post! You are exactly who should be leading the charge. Your ability to take what was not intended for education, co-opt it, and wrestle it into engaging, dynamic lesson plans is what makes you a phenomenal practitioner. Even as you leave the classroom, you are still very much a valuable asset to the education community. Perhaps your ability to teach, inspire, and motivate using a practical, hands-on approach will mean you are even more influential in the realm of education. Thanks for always finding ways to do what's best for kids! (And thanks for taking the time to read and comment!)
Nurse and Educational Technology Instructor
I was first introduced to your website in 2004 when enrolled in a Master's in Technology Education...Just sending a note of thanks for all the wealth of information I have obtained from your webpages. Currently, I am writing lesson plans for the state... for Healthcare Science Technology Education. During this process I have reviewed again some of the plans submitted to your webpages. Thank you for your foresight to meet the needs of education.
Middle School Classroom Teacher
I eagerly await your e-mail every week. Sometimes I am able to use the tips right away - many times I index them for when I have more time to get my TEKKIE hat on. You are on the cutting edge of helping teachers. I appreciate what you do! It's always fun and enjoyable! Just a little something extra to keep my skills sharp.
Middle School Library Media Specialist
On LM_NET this a.m. someone share websites for evaluation of websites, and other lesson ideas. The first on the list was your lesson for Middle School students. It's perfect for our building and was a timely reminder to me of its existence. Just wanted to say thanks for creating such helpful and high quality resources for teachers. I'm thankful for you!
Elementary Classroom Teacher
I’m an elementary teacher-- who spends way too much time online hunting for anything to better myself and the students with whom I’m working. I landed on your site by following a reading comprehension link...Your site is phenomenal! I peeked at many parts already, and bookmarked it. I’ll be back when I actually have more time to visit! Thanks for everything you’re doing—not only for your students and faculty, but for others all over.
Catholic School Librarian
Just a note to say that you are AMAZING...and I want to "be you" when I grow up! Too bad, I'm already middle-aged! Thank you for your materials and your inspiration.
English Literature and Drama Teacher from Manila
I am a high school teacher here in the Philippines (Manila) and you just don't realize how much you have helped me in my lessons when I attempt to integrate IT with subject matter. My high school boys have given me the highest rating or evaluation because they always had fun anticipating what my next strategies were going to be. I teach English literature and drama and I just wish I weren't retiring this year because I had a swell time with the sites you recommended.
Classroom Teacher
Kathy Schrock is the Michael Jordan of #edtech imo. I haven't thought about it for a while, but for those of us who launched Web 2.0 (lol) with kids have to thank her endlessly.
Former Graduate Student
I just wanted to reach out and say thank you for teaching such an amazing class. I thought both textbooks were great and the material and projects that were taught were extremely useful! I really enjoyed this course and I loved applying the projects into my classroom. I'm halfway through the program and this class was by far my favorite!
Former Graduate Student
I have always remembered your patience and encouragement during my journey. As I prepare to graduate this May, I wanted to thank you for remembering how difficult things can seem to a new student. I hope you continue to inspire other educators with your enthusiasm and love of learning!
Elementary Technology Facilitator
I just wanted to write you a quick thank you note for the years of dedicated service you have given. I can't tell you how many times I have referenced your work to other teachers and used your ideas directly with students. You are always my go-to-girl when I begin planning a new training piece and links to your websites have always been part of my bibliography. You are awesome!!
High School Library Teacher
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have been following your website since I started as a school librarian 15 years ago and once again you have come up trumps. We are issuing iPads to our Grade 9 students today, the teachers have had them for 2 weeks, and your links on Bloomin-apps are exactly what we need. You are a star!
State Virtual School Instructor
I am a fully-online instructor through our state virtual school. I wanted to say a quick thank you for the vast amount of resources you provide on your website Kathy Schrock’s Guide to Everything. Recently I was charged with sharing helpful resources (particularly related to Bloom’s Taxonomy) with some newer online instructors, and your site was invaluable (not to mention everyone was amazed, if not slightly overwhelmed, at how much material was there!). In any case, I wanted to let you know that your research and sharing are having a positive impact on us in our state — thank you, thank you, thank you!
University Librarian/Assistant Professor
Thank you! Your workshop presentation at the Texas Library Association was outstanding, by the way. Thank you for organizing such a powerful and educational presentation.
Middle School Library Media Specialist
I have used Kathy Schrock's "5W's of Web site evaluation" poster for ages because I like how simple it is for students to remember. I have lurked on her Websites here and here. And, hallelujah! I finally had the chance to learn from Kathy herself at the TXLA annual conference at a session on infographics. Some of my best take-aways had nothing to do with infographics specifically, and the ideas are so simple, they are brilliant.
Public School Instructional Technology Specialist
As I visited your page again today, I was filled with a great appreciation for what you do for educators. Thank you for sharing all of your hard work. I have seen several of your presentations, and you never disappoint! I am sure you already know, but I wanted you to realize what an impact you make in education!
High School Educational Technology Specialist
I just wanted to say that I have been using your website as an educational technology resource and it has been extremely helpful. Thank you for putting this together. I enjoy sharing the information with my colleagues.
Educational Blogger
Kathy, there is a very good reason you were mentioned in my post! You are exactly who should be leading the charge. Your ability to take what was not intended for education, co-opt it, and wrestle it into engaging, dynamic lesson plans is what makes you a phenomenal practitioner. Even as you leave the classroom, you are still very much a valuable asset to the education community. Perhaps your ability to teach, inspire, and motivate using a practical, hands-on approach will mean you are even more influential in the realm of education. Thanks for always finding ways to do what's best for kids! (And thanks for taking the time to read and comment!)
School Administrator and Adjunct Professor
As I update my next semester's syllabus, I am sad to hear you have retired, yet glad to hear you are still blogging and assisting teachers in their quest to create the best learning environment possible to help children. All of my students will follow your "Guide to Everything" this semester and will benefit from your knowledge and experience to help the next generation of students succeed in the early 21st century. Personally--I want to thank you for the guidance you have provided me as an administrator and understanding it is not only about the technology--but about the learning.
K-12 Educator
Best webinar I've experienced all year, but since it's from you, I'm not surprised. Thank you so much for this and all you do! :)
Former Graduate Student
I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for a wonderful class. It was my first class ever online and my first course in many a year! I appreciate all you do, I enjoyed it immensely and look forward to working with you again sometime. Thank you for being patient with me. :)
Information Technology Specialist
I've followed your career over the years and realized that I never thanked you for your inspiration, insight and information literacy connection. Perhaps, one day, I'll get a chance to meet you.
Middle School Teacher
Kathy Schrock is an excellent speaker. Her focus on creating with the iPad helped me understand the importance of moving away from substituting activities and focusing on doing new things that students could not otherwise do without the use of tech.
High School Teacher
You can't go wrong with Kathy Schrock, a great presenter who has so much knowledge and she knows how to present and share her knowledge, too.
District Technology Integrator
Thanks again for all you've done and continue to do to support technology integration into the classroom. I attended one of your sessions recently and was extremely excited to find you as knowledgeable and as approachable as I thought you would be.
Former Graduate Student
Thank you, Kathy, for providing an opportunity to learn so much about different Web 2.0 tools. I truly enjoyed taking this course and learned so much. It is my hope to start blogging with my students next year and Thinglink is another tool I hope to incorporate, among many others. Thank you for a great class experience!
Nursing instructor
I'm a clinical educator teaching nursing, and physician residents and your list of tools shortens my search for the tool to get something done greatly. Thank you!
Classroom Teacher
Dear Kathy, my old friend,
I used to find you, 20-something years ago, when searching for instructional material and support to use in my classroom. Somehow I lost touch with you. Today, my husband, a principal, texted me your website, thinking he was showing me something new. I thought, surely this can't the same woman. And it is! Just wanted you to hear from a longtime fan how inspirational and educational you are. I won't lose your site again.
Former Graduate Student
Kathy, I wanted to thank you for the awesome class! I learned so much and am implementing many ideas I learned here with my students. Thank you again!
Pre-service Teacher
Your website is amazing! I am a pre-service teacher living in Australia, I love the Schrock Guide to Everything...Thank you for the links, this is a really helpful resource, especially during my last year of university. I am sure it will help me in my career as a Mathematics and Music Secondary Teacher.
Australian Educator
As a new library teacher, I want to thank you for providing a wealth of resources - it is wonderful what you have done!!
Educational Technology Specialist
I have been an Education Technology Specialist for three years now. Much of my experience is self-taught on the job, but I have decided to go back to school for my Masters degree in Learning and Emerging Technologies. Your website has been beyond helpful! Thank you so much for creating such a wonderful list of resources and tools!
Classroom Teacher
Thank you for creating such a clear, helpful, multi-platform resource. I am starting class with students in just over a week and am nervous about this online business... or I was... I am more confident that I will be able to get started on the right foot, modify as we go, and end up with something that just might work. Thank you!!!
Digital Curriculum and Instruction Director
OMG!! You are the OG of EdTech! I still have a printout of your original Guide from 1995!! I just wanted to say thank you!!
Graduate Student
I am writing to say THANK YOU!!. I spoke with you at the Ed Tech Conference regarding my Capstone Project to complete my EdS. After explaining my topic, you advised me which way to go as far as research and (what to) title it. This was very successful research. I received an A for my final grade and am now an Ed.S. I appreciate you and all you do for ALL educators nationwide.
Former Graduate Student
I just wanted to thank you again for your Online Tools resource. It is bookmarked on my school laptop and I refer back to it often. I look forward to exploring all of the added AI technologies. There are so many incredible resources available to teachers online, but it can be overwhelming. Your organized categories are unbelievably helpful in planning and implementing lessons and instruction in my English 12 classroom.
Math Teacher
I love @kathyschrock as a resource for not only Teachers but Media Specialists. Check out her website and you will be floored! She emphasizes purpose and then shares the tech.
Business and Technology Teacher
Glad to have you in my Twitter PLN! Gr8 stuff you share!
Assistant Principal
Love the work you have done with Blooms and apps - thanks for sharing
Canadian 4/5 Teacher from Canada
Amazing opportunity to learn w/ @kathyschrock Feeling rejuvenated & energized... not to mention mind blown:) You rock!
Private School Administrator after a presentation
Thanks @kathyschrock for gifting us with new ideas and fresh perspectives. We are smarter and wiser.
Instructional Technology Coordinator
Thanks Kathy. I am working on a grant that digitizes curriculum so iBooks Author and your site will be my new best friend!
K-5 Technology Coordinator
Increasing my knowledge on Authentic/Problem/Project/Challenge Based Learning thanks to @kathyschrock
District Technology Director
Absolutely LOVE @kathyschrock's breakdown of iOS, Android, Web, & Google apps for Bloom's Taxonomy levels!
Teacher Librarian
Putting together a project on infographics, thank you @kathyschrock, your page has been invaluable
New Zealand Grade 5/6 Lead Teacher
Have followed your work for 12 years, always valuable and practical. Just wanted to say thank you.
Canadian Coordinator of Educational Technology
Combing through this - schrockguide.net Thank you so much @kathyschrock for an amazing resource worth re-visiting.
Art and Media Educator
I've never known anyone as far ahead of her time in #edtech as my @AdobeEdu colleague @kathyschrock, she's a wizard! #totallyrossome
Primary Principal in US and UK
I remember finding your website back in 1995. You were my hero in an ed world with few tech mentors! Thank you for helping me.
Special Education Teacher
Why am I not reading @kathyschrock tweets, blog, website etc. all day, everyday?! THAT good!!
K-12 Librarian
I'm moved to say THANK YOU to @kathyschrock for sharing so much great stuff online. You make a difference for MANY!
University Faculty Member
Kathy, you are a pioneer in the industry and I am so grateful to you for all the ways you helped education!