Kathy's Appearances
Kathy accepts invitations to speak and conduct workshops at international, national, regional, and local technology and library media conferences. Listed below are the places and groups where she will be speaking (and has spoken) to educators about the role of technology in the teaching and learning process, information literacy, and much more. Her current offerings of workshops and presentations are here.
Contact her via e-mail at kathy@kathyschrock.net or call 508-237-6605.
Presenter, ISTE/ASCD Live 25, Virtual presentation Sunday, June 29, 8-8:50am CT / 9-9:50am ET
Presenter, ISTE Live 24, Denver, CO (06/2024)
Keynote, Catholic School Librarians, Baton Rouge, LA (virtual) (03/2024)
Presenter, SC EdTech Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC (10/2023)
Virtual Presenter, CaPSPD Conference, Virtual. (8/2023)
Presenter, ISTE Conference, Philadelphia, PA (06/2023)
Featured Presenter, Kaskaskia (IL) Special Education School District Virtual Tech Conference (02/23)
Keynote and Presenter, FETC Conference, New Orleans, LA (01/23)
Virtual Presenter, Eastern Suffolk BOCES , NY (11/22)
Virtual Presenter, Eastern Suffolk BOCES , NY (12/22)
Virtual Presenter, Eastern Suffolk BOCES, NY (10/22)
Virtual Presenter, ISTE Live, New Orleans, LA (06/22)
Keynote and Presenter, FETC Conference, Orlando, FL (01/22)
Presenter and Keynote, FETC Conference, Orlando, FL (01/22)
Keynote, Let’s Talk Science (CAN) (10/21)
Keynote and Presenter, SCAET Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC (10/21)
Presenter, Cape Cod Professional Development Day (10/21)
Presenter, EdWeb, Virtual (09/21)
Presenter, ISTE Virtual Conference (06/21)
Presenter, IETA Virtual Conference, Boise, ID (02/21)
Featured Presenter, Kaskaskia (IL) Special Education School District Virtual Tech Conference (02/21)
Presenter, Acushnet (MA) Public Schools Virtual Conference (01/21)
Featured Presenter, NHSTE Virtual Conference (01/21)
Keynote Presenter, FETC Conference, Miami, FL (01/21)
Innovation Presenter, ISTE 2020 Live Conference, Virtual (11/20)
Keynote and Presenter, Winfield (KS) Public Schools Elevate Conference, Virtual (10/20)
Workshop Presenter, ISTE Creative Constructor Lab, Virtual (10/20)
Presenter, New England Assistive Technology (NEAT) Conference, Virtual (10/2020)
Keynote Presenter, Wilkes County Schools Conference (NC) Virtual (06/20)
Middleborough Public Schools, Middleborough, MA (03/20)
Featured Presenter, IETA Conference, Boise, ID (02/20)
Keynote, workshop, and concurrent session presenter, FETC Conference, Miami, FL (01/20)
Keynote and concurrent session presenter, Mt. Lebanon Public School District Tech Conference, Mt. Lebanon, PA (10/19)
Keynote and Presenter, NJ Association of Independent Schools, Pingry School, Short Hills, NJ (08/19)
Workshop Presenter, SCETV 21st Century Learners Week Conference, Columbia, SC (07/19)
Presenter, ISTE Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA (06/2019)
Presenter, Emerging Tech Symposium, NE Ohio Regional Library System, Twinsburg, OH (06/19)
Workshop Presenter, Mill River Unified School District, Wallingford, VT (06/19)
Workshop Presenter, Plymouth Public Schools, Plymouth MA (3/19)
Featured Presenter, NCTIES Conference, Raleigh, NC (03//19)
Featured Presenter, IETA Conference, Boise, ID (02/19)
Presenter and Keynote, FETC Conference, Orlando, FL (01/19)
Presenter, CECA/CASL Annual Conference, Foxwoods, CT (10/18)
Featured Presenter, AR/VR Meeting for CT State Library, Farmington Public Library, CT (08/18)
Keynote and Featured Presenter, WV Summit for Educational Excellence, Morgantown, WV (07/18)
Presenter, ISTE Conference, Chicago, IL (06/18)
Featured Presenter, College & Career Readiness Conference, Murray State University, Murray, KY (06/18)
Keynote and Featured Presenter, ITIP Ohio, Ohio State Student Union, Columbus, OH (05/18)
Featured Presenter, Thinglink Bootcamp, University of MA- Dartmouth (05/18)
Featured Presenter, KYSTE Conference, Louisville, KY (03/18)
Workshop and Featured Presenter, NCTIES Conference, Raleigh, NC (03/18)
Featured Presenter, ICE Conference, Schaumburg,, IL (02/18)
Featured Presenter, IETA Conference, Boise, ID (02/18)
Keynote, Featured Presenter, and Workshop Presenter, FETC Conference, Orlando , FL (01/18)
Presenter, ThingLink Webinar Series. Online. (01/18)
Featured Speaker, Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference, Manchester, NH (11/17)
Featured Speaker, EdTechTeacher Summit, Boston, MA (11/17)
Keynote Presenter, CECA/CASL Conference, Mashantucket, CT (10/17)
Presenter, MassCUE Conference, Foxboro, MA (10/17)
Presenter, EdTech Team Google Summit, Manchester, CT (10/17)
Presenter, EdCamp Cape Cod, Sandwich HS, Sandwich, MA. (08/17)
Webinar Presenter, Edchat Interactive. Online. (07/17)
Presenter, ISTE Conference, San Antonio, TX (06/17)
Adjunct Faculty, Wilkes University (Summer 2017)
Adjunct Faculty, Wilkes University (Spring 2017)
Keynote, Presenter, and Workshop Presenter, FETC Conference, Orlando, FL (01/17)
Workshop Presenter/Spotlight Speaker, Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference, Manchester, NH (11/16)
Workshop Presenter, Mansfield Public Schools, Mansfield, MA (11/16)
Adjunct Faculty, Wilkes University (Fall 2016)
Workshop Presenter, Region 4 Education Service Center, Houston, TX (10/16)
Featured Presenter, Discovery Education Day of Discovery, Belmont, NC (09/16)
Presenter, EdCamp Cape Cod, Mashpee, MA (08/16)
Workshop and Session Presenter, Building Learning Communities Conference, Boston, MA (07/16)
Presenter, Panelist, and Moderator, ISTE Conference, Denver, CO (06//16)
Featured Presenter, iPadpalooza, Austin, TX (06/16)
Keynote and Workshop Presenter, eduTECH Conference, Brisbane, AUS (5/16)
Keynote, Temple Technology Symposium, Philadelphia, PA (4/16)
Featured Presenter and Workshop Presenter, NCTIES Conference, Raleigh, NC (3/16)
Featured Presenter, IETA Conference, Boise, ID (2/16)
Keynote, Presenter, and Workshop Presenter, FETC Conference, Orlando , FL (1/16)
Adjunct Faculty, Wilkes University (Spring 2016)
Keynote and Presenter, TETA Conference, Nashville, TN (12/15)
Featured Speaker, EdTechTeacher iPad Summit, Boston, MA (11/15)
Keynote and Presenter, MAME Conference, Bay City, MI (11/15)
Featured Presenter (online), Brenthaven EdTech Series (11/15)
Workshop Presenter, Dothan City Schools, AL (10/15)
Presenter (online), Discovery Education Fall VirtCon (10/15)
Presenter (online), Choosito Webinar (10/15)
Presenter, Discovery Education Denapalooza, Sayreville, NJ (10/15)
Workshop Presenter, Truro Public Schools, Truro, MA (10/15)
Featured Presenter, EdTech Team CT Summit, Manchester, CT (09/15)
Presenter (online), Florida Gulf Coast University (09/15)
Adjunct Faculty, Wilkes University, PA (Fall 2015)
Featured Presenter, Building Learning Communities Conference, Boston, MA (7/15)
Spotlight Presenter, ISTE Conference, Philadelphia, PA (6/15)
Adjunct Faculty, Wilkes University, PA (Summer 2015)
Keynote and presenter, K-12 Technology Conference, Carl Sandburg College, Galesburg IL (6/15)
Workshop Presenter, SEEM Collaborative, Stoneham, MA (4/15)
Adjunct Faculty, Wilkes University, PA (Spring 2015)
Workshop Presenter and Spotlight Speaker, CUE Annual Conference, Palm Springs, CA (3/15)
Featured Presenter, NC TIES Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC (3/15)
Workshop Presenter, SE Connecticut Regional PD, Waterford, CT (3/15)
Featured Presenter, ITEA Annual Conference, Boise, ID (2/15)
Featured Speaker and Keynote, FETC Annual Conference, Orlando, FL (01/15)
Keynote and Workshop Presenter, FFCA PD Day, Calgary, Canada (1/15)
Featured Presenter and Workshop Presenter, TIES 2014, Minneapolis, MN (12/14)
Workshop Presenter, William Penn Charter School, Philadelphia, PA (12/14)
Keynote, Teaching & Learning with the iPad Conference, Franklin Academy, Raleigh, NC (11/14)
Presenter, Webinar, Long Island University, Online (11/14)
PD Trainer, Kamehameha Schools, Honolulu, HI (11/14)
Workshop Presenter, DCMO and ONC BOCES, Oneonta, NY (10/14)
Workshop Presenter, Broome-Tioga BOCES, Binghamton, NY (10/14)
Featured Presenter, Albany (NY) Diocese of Catholic Schools PD Day (10/14)
Featured Presenter, Google Summit, Manchester, CT (10/14)
Adjunct Faculty, Wilkes University (PA) (Fall 2014)
Keynote and Workshop Presenter, ACEC 2014, Adelaide, Australia (09/14)
Featured Presenter, Webinar, Facing History PD Series, Online (09/14)
Workshop Presenter, Catholic Memorial High School, West Roxbury, MA (08/14)
Featured Presenter, Webinar, University of MD University College, Online (07/14)
Keynote and Featured Speaker, Teaching & Learning with iPads, Granville, NC (07/14)
Featured Speaker, DEN Summer Institute, Nashville, TN (07/14)
Spotlight Presenter, ISTE Conference, Atlanta, GA (06/14)
Keynote and Featured Speaker, TICAL Conference, Storm Lake, IA (06/14)
Featured Speaker, Webinar, Saskatoon Public School District, Canada (05/14)
Keynote and Featured Speaker, WyTECC Conference, Rock Springs, WY (04/14)
Keynote, Workshop Presenter, and Featured Speaker, TIE Conference, Sioux Falls, SD (04/14)
Featured Speaker, MA Reading Association Conference, Quincy, MA (04/14)
Keynote and Featured Speaker, AAIM Conference, Fort Smith, AR (03/14)
Workshop Presenter, Stonehill College Catholic Educators Collaborative, Easton, MA (03/14)
Workshop Presenter, Archbishop William High School, Braintree, MA (03/14)
Keynote, Featured Speaker and Workshop Presenter, NCTIES Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC (03/14)
Keynote, Featured Speaker and Workshop Presenter, FETC Annual Conference, Orlando, FL (01/14)
Adjunct Faculty, Wilkes University (PA) (Spring 2014)
Workshop presenter, Brimmer and May School, Chestnut Hill, MA (01/14)
Keynote, SLATE Conference, Wisconsin Dells, WI (12/13)
Featured Speaker, Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference, Manchester, NH (12/13)
Presenter, Webinar: H.O.T.S for Blooms, ISTE (11/13)
Featured Speaker, EdTech Teacher iPad Summit, Boston, MA (11/13)
Workshop presenter, Brimmer and May School, Chestnut Hill, MA (11/13)
Keynote Speaker, Manitoba School Library Association Conference, Winnipeg, CA (10/13)
Featured Speaker, ITEC Conference, Des Moines, IA (10/13)
Keynote Speaker, CELT Integrity Conference, Marlborough and Springfield, MA (10/13)
Keynote and Featured Speaker, OTA Encyclo-media Conference, Oklahoma City, OK (10/13)
Adjunct Faculty, Wilkes University (PA) (Fall 2013)
Keynote and Speaker, IWBnet Leading a Digital School Conference, Melbourne, AU (08/13)
Featured Speaker, SDE Power-Up Conference, Las Vegas, NV (07/13)
Keynote and Featured Speaker, GWAEA iPadU Conference, Cedar Rapids, IA (07/13)
Spotlight Presenter, ISTE Conference, San Antonio, TX (06/13)
Trainer, iPads for Collaboration and Assessment, Revere Public Schools, MA (06/13)
Presenter, Webinar: Collaborating and Assessing Using the iPad, edWeb.net (06/13)
Keynote and Featured Speaker, iPossibilities iPad Conference, Center Grove, IN (06/13)
Adjunct Faculty, Wilkes University (PA) (Summer 13)
Keynote, Webinar: Infographics as a Creative Assessment, ISTE (05/13)
Trainer, iPads for Teaching and Learning, Revere Public Schools, MA (05/13)
Keynote, Webinar: Bloom’s Taxonomy, UMUC (05/13)
Presenter, Webinar: Infographics as a Creative Assessment, edWeb.net (05/13)
Adjunct Faculty, Wilkes University (PA) (Spring 13)
Featured Speaker, SSL/NYLA Conference, Rochester, NY (04/13)
Presenter, Webinar: Creating your PLN, edWeb.net (04/13)
Keynote, Webinar: The Future is Now, IACT/IDLA Conference (04/13)
Keynote, Sonoma County Office of Ed iPad Conference, Santa Rosa, CA (04/13)
Keynote, Chicago State University, Technology Symposium, Chicago, IL (03/13)
Featured Speaker, NCTIES Conference, Raleigh, NC (03/13)
Featured Speaker, NCCE Annual Conference, Portland, OR (02/13)
Trainer, iPads for Creating, Franklin, TN (02/13)
Featured Speaker, Riverview School Transition Weekend, Hyannis, MA (02/13)
Presenter, Webinar: Bloom's Taxonomy: Creating, edWeb.net (02/13)
Featured Speaker, Webinar: Bloom's Taxonomy: Creating, edWeb.net (02/13)
Presenter, Webinar: ESD133 Vendor Fair, Olympia, WA (02/13)
Featured Speaker and Keynote, FETC Annual Conference, Orlando, FL (01/13)
Keynote, Fort Worth Schools Technology Conference, TX (01/13)
Presenter, Webinar: Literacy for the Digital Age, UMUC (01/13)
Presenter, Webinar: Bloom's Taxonomy: Evaluating, edWeb.net (01/13)
Presenter, Webinar: Discovery Education Hangout on Digital Storytelling (01/13)
Presenter, iPads for Teaching and Learning Workshops, SEEM, Woburn, MA (01/13)
Presenter, Webinar: Infographics as a creative assessment, PBC (12/12)
Presenter, Webinar: Bloom's Taxonomy: Analyzing, EdWeb.net (12/12)
Featured Presenter, SLATE Conference, Wisconsin Dells, WI (12/12)
Presenter, Webinar: Infographics as an assessment, PBC (12/12)
Presenter, Webinar: Bloom's Taxonomy: Applying, EdWeb.net (11/12)
Trainer, iPads for Learning, Marion Public Schools, Marion, AR (11/112)
Keynote.Schools Without Walls Conference, Hot Springs, AR (11/12)
Adjunct Faculty, Wilkes University (PA) (Fall 12)
Adjunct Faculty, Arcadia University (PA) (Fall 12)
Presenter, Webinar: Bloom's Taxonomy: Understanding, EdWeb.net (10/12)
Keynote, MSLA Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD (10/12)
Keynote, OELMA Annual Conference, Sandusky, OH (10/12)
Keynote, MEMO Annual Conference, St. Cloud, MN (10/12)
Keynote, iPads in the Classroom, Creighton Univ., Omaha, NE (10/12)
Presenter, Webinar: Online Web 2.0 and math tools, AMAYTC (10/12)
Presenter, Webinar: Bloom's Taxonomy: Remembering, EdWeb.net (09/12)
Presenter, Webinar: Discovery Ed Connected Educator Month (08/12)
Presenter, Webinar: USDOE Connected Educator Month (08/12)
Featured Presenter, Discovery Ed Summer Institute, Montana (07/12)
Keynote, Penn State iTechU Conference, York, PA (07/12)
Spotlight Presenter, ISTE Conference, San Diego, CA (06/12)
Trainer, iPads for Learning, Derby Academy, Hingham, MA (06/12)
Presenter, Webinar: Literacy for the digital age, edWeb.net (06/12)
Keynote & Presenter, IFL Conference, Louisville, KY (06/12)
Presenter, Webinar: Evaluating content, curriculum and LMS, edWeb.net (05/12)
Keynote, LTE Conference, Oklahoma City, OK (05/12)
Adjunct Faculty, Wilkes University (PA) (Summer 12)
Presenter, Webinar: A weekend day in the life of an iPad. edWeb.net (04/12)
Workshop Presenter, Texas Library Association Conference, Houston, TX (04/12)
Keynote, Pine Point School, Stonington, CT (04/12)
Presenter, Webinar: Connecting your classroom to the future, egenio.com (04/12)
Keynote, TLC Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC (03/12)
Presenter, Webinar: School and classroom Web pages, edWeb.net (03/12)
Adjunct Faculty, Wilkes University (PA) (Spring 2012)
Presenter, CUE Annual Conference, Palm Springs, CA (03/12)
Featured Speaker, NCTIES Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC (03/12)
Presenter, Webinar: Infographics as a creative assessment, egenio.com (03/12)
Presenter, Webinar: Tech tips for teachers, edWeb.net (02/12)
Featured Speaker, METC Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO (02/12)
Presenter, TCEA Annual Conference Austin,TX (02/12)
Presenter, Webinar: Respect for intellectual property, egenio.com (01/12)
Featured Speaker and Keynote, FETC Annual Conference, Orlando, FL (01/12)
Featured Presenter, Northside ISD, San Antonio, TX (01/12)
Presenter, Webinar: Online tools for teachers, edWeb.net (12/12)
Presenter, Webinar: Twitter for teachers, egenio.com (01/12)
Adjunct Faculty, Arcadia University (PA) (Winter 2012)
Presenter, Webinar: Online collaboration, edWeb.net (12/11)
Presenter, Webinar: Authentic learning for students, egenio.com (12/11)
Keynote & Presenter, Mid South Technology Conference, Memphis, TN (12/11)
Featured Presenter, Christa McAuliffe Tech Conference, Manchester, NH (11/11)
Presenter, Webinar, Bloom’s Taxonomy, edWeb.net (11/11)
Presenter, Webinar, Must-have tech skills for teachers, egenio.com (11/11)
Featured Presenter, GA Educational Technology Conference, Atlanta, GA (11/11)
Presenter, Webinar: Information Literacy, edWeb.net (10/11)
Keynote, mcTEC Conference, Canfield, OH (10/11)
Presenter, Webinar: Concept Mapping in the Classroom, egenio.com (10/11)
Keynote, Superintendent’s Conference Day, Rhinebeck, NY (10/11)
Presenter, Webinar: Digital Literacy, egenio.com (09/11)
Adjunct Faculty, Wilkes University, PA (Fall 2011)
Featured Speaker, So. Berkshire Collaborative, Great Barrington, MA (07/11)
Spotlight Speaker, ISTE Conference, Philadelphia, PA (6/11)
Adjunct Faculty, Wilkes University, PA (Summer 2011)
Presenter, METAA/CoSN CTO Forum, Waltham, MA (05/11)
Featured Speaker, USF School of Education Conference, SF, CA (04/11)
Featured Speaker, Tech Forum, Boston, MA (04/11)
Adjunct Faculty, Wilkes University, PA (Spring 2011)
Adjunct Faculty, Endicott College, MA (Spring 2011)
Featured Speaker, NCTIES Conference, Raleigh, NC (03/11)
Workshop Presenter, Twitter for Administrators, DEN (02/11)
Featured Speaker, FETC Conference, Orlando, FL (02/11)
Featured Speaker, ECIS Conference, Nice, France (11/10)
Workshop Presenter, MassCUE Annual Conference, Foxboro, MA (10/10)
Keynote, Technology and Learning Conference, Tarrytown, NY (10/10)
Adjunct Faculty, Wilkes University, PA (Fall 2010)
Keynote Speaker and Presenter, NETT 2010, Buffalo, NY (08/10)
Workshop Presenter, Adobe AEL Summer Institute, San Jose, CA (07/10)
Adjunct Faculty, Wilkes University, PA (Summer 10)
Keynote Speaker, Congresso E-DUCA, Spain (virtually) (07/10)
Spotlight Presenter, ISTE Annual Conference, Denver, CO (06/10)
Workshop Presenter, EASTCONN, Hampton, CT (03/10)
Adjunct Faculty, Wilkes University, PA (Spring 10)
Featured Presenter, NCTIES Conference, Raleigh, NC (03/10)
Presenter, Christa McAuliffe Tech Conference, Nashua, NH (12/09)
Closing Keynote, VSTE Tech Conference, virtual. (12/09)
Featured Presenter, MassCUE Conference, Foxboro, MA (11/09)
Featured Presenter, CECA/CEMA Conference, Hartford, CT (11/09)
Adjunct Faculty, Wilkes University, PA (Fall 09)
Workshop Presenter, K20 Center, Norman OK (07/09)
Spotlight Presenter, NECC/ISTE Annual Conference, Washington, DC (06/09)
Virtual Second Life Presenter, ND Ed Tech Conference (Online) (04/09)
Adjunct Faculty, Wilkes University, PA (Winter 09)
Webinar Keynote, Linworth Professional Learning Series, OH (03/09)
Featured Presenter, NCTIES Conference, Raleigh, NC (03/09)
Webinar Keynote, Seacoast Professional Development Center, NH, (03/09)
Featured Presenter, FETC, Orlando, FL (01/09)
Presenter, Christa McAuliffe Conference, Nashua, NH (12/08)
Presenter, Google Teacher Academy, New York, NY (11/08)
Workshop Presenter, CASL Annual Conference, Cromwell, CT (11/08)
Presenter, Technology and Learning Conference, Palisades, NY (11/08)
Presenter, Internet2 Member Conference, New Orleans, LA (10/08)
Adjunct Faculty, Western Oregon University, OR (Fall 08)
Keynote, SPARCC Education Conference, Massillon, OH (09/08)
Presenter, ITL Summer Institute, Westport, CT (08/08)
Workshop Presenter, Adobe Ed Leader Conference, San Francisco, CA (07/08)
Spotlight Presenter, NECC/ISTE Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX (06/08)
Adjunct Faculty, Salem State College : Technology for Leaders. (Spring 08)
Keynote, MICCA Conference, Baltimore, MD (04/08)
Featured Presenter, OETC ITSC Conference, Portland, FL (02/08)
Featured Presenter, FETC Conference, Orlando, FL (01/08)
Featured Presenter, NHSTE Annual Conference, Nashua, NH (11/07)
Presenter, MassCUE Annual Conference, Sturbridge, MA (11/07)
Featured Presenter, CECA/CEMA Annual Conference, Hartford, CT (10/07)
Spotlight Presenter, NECC/ISTE Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA (06/07)
Presenter, Second Life Best Practices in Education Conference (05/07)
Presenter, MA Department of Education Technology Conference, Malden, MA (03/07)
Presenter, Cape Cod & the Islands Library Association Conference, Barnstable, MA (03/07)
Adjunct Faculty, Salem State College : Technology for Leaders. (Spring 07)
Featured Presenter, FETC Conference, Orlando, FL (01/07)
Presenter, MassCUE Annual Conference, Sturbridge, MA (11/06)
Adjunct Faculty, Buffalo State College : Emerging Technologies. (Fall 06)
Presenter, Australia Computer Ed Conference, Cairns, Australia (9/06)
Presenter, Building Learning Communities Conference, Newton, MA (07/06)
Closing Keynote, NECC/ISTE Annual Conference, San Diego, CA (07/06)
Spotlight Presenter, NECC/ISTE Annual Conference, San Diego, CA (07/06)
Keynote, North Carolina NCAETC Annual Conference, Charlotte, NC (03/06)
Keynote, PETE&C Conference, Hershey, PA (02/06)
Featured Presenter, Texas Computer Educators Assoc. (TCEA), Austin, TX (02/06)
Featured Presenter, Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference, Nashua, NH (12/05)
Presenter, MassCUE Annual Conference, Sturbridge, MA (11/05)
Panelist, CELT National Education Summit, Brewster, MA (10/05)
Workshop Presenter, Wardlaw-Hartridge Tech Conference, Edison, NJ (07/05)
Spotlight Presenter, NECC/ISTE Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA (6/05)
Keynote, WI Educational Media Association Conference, Green Bay, WI (04/05)
Presenter, CA CUE Conference, Palm Springs, CA (03/05)
Keynote, NC AETC Conference, Research Triangle Park, NC (03/05)
Keynote, Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference, Nashua, NH (12/04)
Presenter, MassCUE Technology Conference, Sturbridge, MA (11/04)
Keynote, OCM BOCES Conference, Syracuse, NY (11/04)
Keynote, Madison-Oneida BOCES, Utica, NY (11/04)
Presenter, Iowa Technology in Education Conference, Des Moines, Iowa (10/04)
Presenter, DoDDS Technology Workshop, Frankfurt, Germany (8/04)
Presenter, Building Learning Communities Conference, Newton, MA (7/04)
Featured Presenter, Australia Computer Ed Conference, Adelaide, Australia (7/04)
Spotlight Presenter, NECC/ISTE Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA (6/04)
Presenter, Broome-Tioga BOCES, Binghamton, NY (5/04)
Keynote, AIMS Annual Conference, St. Michael's, MD (4/04)
Featured Presenter, CA CUE, Palm Springs, CA (03/04)
Presenter, Educational Media Association of NJ, E. Brunswick, NJ (11/03)
Presenter, MassCUE Technology Conference, Sturbridge, MA (11/03)
Presenter, MA School Library Media Association Conference, Sturbridge, MA (11/03)
Presenter, Iowa Technology in Education Conference, Des Moines, Iowa (10/03)
Presenter, DoDDS Technology Workshop, Frankfurt, Germany (08/03)
Presenter, Building Learning Communities Conference, Newton, MA (07/03)
Spotlight Presenter, NECC/ISTE Annual Conference, Seattle, WA (06/03)
Presenter, MA Association of School Business Officials, Brewster, MA (05/03)
Keynote, NJ Educational Computing Conference, Montclair, NJ (03/03)
Presenter, Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference, Nashua NH (12/02)
Presenter, Building Learning Communities Conference, Newton, MA (07/02)
Spotlight Presenter, NECC/ISTE Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX (06/02)
Presenter, DoDDS Technology Workshop, Frankfurt, Germany (8/01)
Presenter, Building Learning Communities Conference, Roger Williams College, RI (07/01)
Presenter, NECC/ISTE Annual Conference, Chicago, IL (06/01)
Appearance on NBC Today Show, New York, NY (05/23/01) Video
Presenter, PA School Librarians Association Conference, Hershey, PA (04/01)
Keynote, National Teacher Training Institute, Salisbury, MD (03/01)
Online Faculty, Framingham State College : Internet for Educators (Spring 01)
Keynote, SACE Technology Conference, Saskatoon, Canada (12/00)
Keynote, Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference, Nashua NH (12/00)
Presenter, DoDDS Technology Workshop, Frankfurt, Germany (8/00)
Presenter, SchoolTech Expo, New York, NY (5/00)
Keynote, DoDDS Library Media Conference, Heidelberg, Germany (4/00)
Keynote, MAME Conference, Michigan (4/00)
Keynote, SC Association of School Librarians (3/00)
Featured Speaker, TIES Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN. (11/99)
Featured Speaker, MA School Library Media Association Conference. (11/99)
Featured Speaker, Midwest Internet Institute, Lincoln, NE. (8/99)
Keynote, Lesley College Summer Technology Conference, Snowmass, CO. (7/99)
Presenter, NECC/ISTE Conference, Atlantic City, NJ. (6/99)
Keynote, ASTE Conference, Anchorage, Alaska. (4/99)
Keynote, PSLA Conference, Hershey, Pennsylvania. (4/99)
Presenter, FETC Conference, Orlando, Florida. (3/99)
Keynote, Alberta Catholic Schools, Canada. (1/99)
Keynote, SIOTA Conference, Ohio. (12/98)
Keynote, CT Educational Media Association Conference. (11/98)
Presenter, Connected Classroom Conference, Anaheim, CA. (11/98)
Adjunct Faculty, Bridgewater State College : Curriculum-Based Projects (Fall 98)
Adjunct Faculty, Bridgewater State College : Networking Course (Su 98)
Presenter, NECC/ISTE Conference, San Diego, CA. (6/98)
Keynote, KY Central Library Association Spring Meeting. (5/98)
Presenter, Connected Classroom Conference, Atlantic City NJ. (4/98)
Keynote, VT Department of Education Seminar. (2/98)
Presenter, Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference. (12/97)
Presenter, MA Computer Using Educators Conference, Worcester, MA. (10/97)
Keynote, West Virginia Library Media Association Conference. (10/97)
Presenter, WGBH Teaching with Technology Institute, Boston, MA. (8/97)
Adjunct Faculty, Bridgewater State : Home Pages for Educators (Su97/F97/Sp98)
Presenter, NH Educational Media Association Annual Conference, Nashua, NH. (5/97)
Keynote, MassCUE Annual Meeting, Worcester, MA. (5/97)
Adjunct Faculty, Bridgewater State College : Home Pages for Educators (Sp 97)
Presenter, Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference. Internet & Curriculum. (12/96)
Instructor, In-service Course. Topic : Introduction to the Internet. (11/96)
Presenter, Bridgewater State College. Topic: Internet and Ed Research (11/96)
Consultant, Annenberg/CPB, Washington, DC. Topic: Web Site Design (Fall 96)
Adjunct Faculty, Bridgewater State College: Internet for LMS. (Fall 96)
Adjunct Faculty, Salem State College: Write Your Own Web Page. (Su/96)