I have been using computers since 1972, and still find it as exciting as I did when I wrote my first BASIC program on my high school's IBM mainframe using punched cards. I have always been passionate about the role technology can play in both teaching and learning, and have been working in the area of educational technology since the mid 1980's.
I stay on the cutting edge of new and emerging technologies and study new topics in-depth, and then develop pedagogically-sound ways to embed these new practices meaningfully into teaching and learning. Read the article that started it all! You can also visit the earliest online archive of my website (although it started in 1995).
My presentations are practical in nature and provide background, tips, tricks, and ideas for the use of educational technology in support of classroom instruction. I present about information literacy, the use of technology for meaningful assessment, student creation of infographics as an authentic assessment, the use of iPads, Chromebooks, and mobile devices for creation of content, social media and professional learning networks, current pedagogies to scaffold project and problem-based technology use, emerging technologies such as AR, VR, AND AI, technology tips for teachers, and online tools and mobile apps.
You can find out more about me, what I do, and what I can offer your organization by visiting the menu items at the top of the page. I can tailor anything to your wishes and can also develop something special just for you, so feel free to contact me!